
This article is meant to inform the user on how to cancel/terminate an active membership and the various steps to accomplish this.


Log in to Trident1

1. Visit the Trident1 provided portal

2. Enter in your username and password

3. Click Login

Visit the Membership Module

1.Click on the Memberships menu to display your membership database

Find the pertinent Membership

On the memberships page,

1.Click Show All to show all memberships

Or utilize the Trident1 search functionality

2. Click the Membership Number to access the membership’s details

Terminate the Membership

On the Membership Information page, you'll see the Terminate button at the top right

1.Click the Terminate button and you'll be given two options

Monthly Billing

Cancel Now & Refund

This membership termination status coincides with a monthly thirty day billing cycle.  By clicking Cancel Now & Refund:

  1. The system will calculate how many days they are past their last billing date

  2. The system will generate a sales order to refund the remaining time in their billing cycle

  3. After completing the sales order, the membership will be set to status: ‘Cancelled’, and the customer will not be billed any further

Cancel at the End of the Billing Period

This membership termination status coincides with a monthly thirty day billing cycle.  By clicking Cancel at the End of the Billing Period:

  1. The system will have a pending task to cancel the membership at the end of the monthly billing cycle

  2. No sales order will be created for any remaining time

  3. On the recurring monthly billing date, the membership will be system set to status: ‘Cancelled’ and the customer will not be billed any further

Annual Billing

Cancel Now & Refund

This membership termination status coincides with an annual, three hundred sixty five day, billing cycle.  By clicking Cancel Now & Refund:

  1. The system will calculate how many dates they are past their last billing date

  2. The system will generate a sales order to refund the remaining time in their billing cycle

  3. After completing the sales order, the membership will be set to status: ‘Cancelled’ and the customer will not be billed any further

Cancel at the End of the Billing Period

This membership termination status coincides with an annual, three hundred sixty five day, billing cycle.  By clicking Cancel at the End of the Billing Period:

  1. The system will have a pending task to cancel the membership at the end of the annual billing cycle

  2. The membership’s Auto Renew option will be disabled

  3. No sales order will be created for any remaining time

  4. On the recurring annual billing date, the membership will be system-set to status: ‘Cancelled’ and the customer will not be billed any further