
This article is meant to inform the user on how to setup and edit their business hours.  The business hours are most applicable in the range module, acquisition and disposition and financial record keeping.


Log in to Trident1

1. Visit your Trident1 provided portal login screen

2. Enter your username and password

3. Click Login

Go to Applicable Setting

1. Click the Personal & Admin menu to visit the Setting widget page

2. Click Store Profile Setting

Setting your Store Hours

At this point, you will be at the setting for setting your store hours

To Edit your Hours:

1. Go to the specific day

2. Click the downward arrow for Open Time

3. Select the appropriate time

4. Click the downward arrow for Close Time

5. Select the appropriate time

6. Do this for all days of the week

7. Click Update

What are Peak Hours?

Peak hours are your "busy times".  These are times that some businesses would prefer to not allow members to exercise their membership discounts on range and ammunition in order to maximize profit margins, which can be defined through the membership package discounts setup.


Verify the Settings are set correct

1. Click the Range menu which will take you to the Shooting Range Reservation calendar

On the range reservation calendar, any times outside of the set business hours will show as grey