
This article is meant to inform the user how to create a trade-in in Trident1


What is a Trade-In?

To begin this article, we need to define a trade-in within Trident1 because it's not as traditional as one may think.

A trade-in is classified as a store-purchased firearm from a customer.  This purchase could be:

1. A purchased firearm from a customer in exchange for currency.

2. A store-purchased firearm from a customer in exchange for another product.

Pertinent Settings

Navigate to the Settings Module

1. Hover the mouse over Personal & Admin

2. Then hover over Settings

3. Click on Company Details

Trade-In Prefix Setting

  1. Click on the pertinent location's pencil to the top right

2. Click on the General tab

3. Navigate to the Trade-In Prefix field

The user can modify this field to depict what prefix you would like your trade-in products to have

Note: the system default will be “TI”

4. Click on Save when you are finished

Automated Label Printing

  1. Hover over Personal & Admin menu > Hover over Settings> Click on Printing Options

2. Scroll down to the Label section

3. Click to enable/disable Print Trade-In Label on Finalizing SO

How to Create a Trade-In

Log in to Trident1

1. Visit your Trident1 provided domain

2. Enter your user name and password

3. Click on Login

Navigate to the Sales Order Module

1. Click on Point of Sale to create a sales order

Create Sales Order

1. Enter in the Customer Name

Under Transaction,

2.Click the downwards arrow to change the Transaction Type

3.Select the “Trade-In” transaction type

Create Trade-In Product

Within the Create Trade-In Product dialog, you'll have the option to:

a. Create New Trade-In Product - the product doesn't exist at all, and you will be starting from a blank canvas

b. Use Existing Product as Template - you will be utilizing a previously created product template as your newly created trade-in product

Note: for this illustration, we will be utilizing the Use Existing Product as Template option

1. Click the Use Existing Product as Template radio button

2. Utilize the field and capabilities to navigate to the product by:

a. Typing the product number, UPC, or barcode and pressing Enter

b. Click the magnifying glass to pull up and select from your product catalog

Define the Trade-In Product

Within the Trade-In Product Creation Box

  1. Ensure the trade-in product is defined correctly

Trade-In Product Number/SKU

If Create from Existing: will be the product number of the original product

If New Trade-In Product: will be user-defined

Product Number

If Create from Existing: will be Trade-In Prefix + Trade-In Product Number + the Acquisitions and Dispositions Number

Note: if creating from existing, this will be a very long number, much longer than most other numbers in the system

If New Trade-In Product: will be the Trade-In Prefix + the User defined Product Number + the Acquisition and Dispositions Number

Product Description

If Create from Existing: will be the Product Description derived from the original Product

If New Trade-In Product: will be blank and need user definition

Trade-In Condition

a. Click the Trade-In Condition drop-down to select the item’s condition

ATF Fields

Click each of the drop-downs for ATF Fields to define the values

If Create from Existing: the ATF Fields will all be derived from the original product.  The user will need to verify and modify as necessary.

If New Trade-In Product: will be blank and need user definition

Has Serial Number

Trade-Ins will be defaulted to Has Serial Number=Yes

Enter a serial number in the field and click out of the field


After the product is filled out

2. Click Save

Complete the Trade-In Transaction

  1. Click within the Sell Price field to define how much the customer is getting paid from the POB

2. Click the Confirm Bound Book Info to confirm the bound book info for the acquisition

3. Confirm the bound book Info in the pop-up

4. Click Proceed With FastBound Acquisition

Note: Recently Updated - trade-ins are acquired after finalized AND pending sales orders.

5. Click on the specific payment type

6. The system will confirm the acquisition of the firearm

