
This article is intended to inform the Trident 1 user on how to perform a range reservation (check an individual into the range).


Navigate to the Range Reservation Calendar

1. Click the Range menu

Create a Range Reservation

1. Click on the desired time slot for the range reservation

2. Click in the Customer/Member field. Type in the primary customer/member.

If there is an additional shooter:

3. Click in the Additional Shooter field. Type in the additional shooter.

4. Choose the number of lanes that the party is reserving

5. Ensure the lane is correct

If this is a Walk-In:

6. Click Check-In Now

7. Ensure the date and time period is correct

If the Customer is renting Firearms:

1. Check the Rent Firearm(s) checkbox to expand the rental product selection

2. Scan the barcode of the rental

3. Select the intended rental product and ensure the proper serial number

If the Customer is purchasing Products:

1. Check the Sell Products checkbox

2. Insert/scan the barcode, UPC, product number of the product

3. Manually enter the quantity of the products

If the Customer is reserving a Lane for later use:

1. Click Save

2. When the reservation is saved, it will be available on the Shooting Range Reservation calendar to action at the appropriate time.

If the Customer is checking in or in attendance now:

3. Click Next to proceed

4. Verify the Shooting Range Reservation Details

Select the Payment Process:

Create one SO for all shooters

This action will create one sales order for both the primary and the additional shooter and will be under the primary shooter name.

Create Separate SO for each shooter

This action will create a separate sales order for each shooter both under the primary and the additional shooter.

Select Range Reservation Process:

Check-In Only

The range reservation will be checked and all items (lane fees, rental product fees, additional sell products) will be pending to be paid for upon checkout.

Check-In & Create SO

A sales order will be created to pay for all items (lane fees, product fees, additional sell products) in adherence to the selected payment process. Upon finalization of the sales order, the party will be checked in.

Create SO & Pay Only

A sales order will be created to pay for all items (lane fees, product fees, additional sell products) in adherence to the selected payment process. The range reservation will be saved on the Shooting Range Reservation calendar to action at a later time.


Close the Range Reservation.

5. After the preceding actions, the range reservation will be in a checked-in or saved status.

