
This article will inform the user on how to create a user in Trident1.

Note: The user performing these actions must be an admin in the system.


Navigate to the Users Module

1. Hover the mouse over the Personal & Admin menu

2. Then hover over Users & Access Management

3. Click Users

To show all of the users currently created

4. Click Show All

How to Create a User

  1. Click the New User button

  2. Under the Login & Role section, fill out the following fields

    1. Login Name - Enter the login name for the user
      **Note: Login name is case sensitive.

    2. Password - Create password for the user
      **Note: There are no specific password requirements, but is case sensitive

    3. Confirm Password - Re-type password

    4. Default Location - Enter the location the user will be logged in under

    5. First Name - Enter the first name of the user

    6. Admin - Select this if user will be creating other users

    7. Role - Select the security role for the user (this is the access rights the user has to Trident 1)

    8. Personal Email - Enter the company email or personal email for the user

  3. Under the More Information section, fill out the following fields

    1. Allow User to Change Photograph - Specify if user will have access to change customer photographs

    2. Trainer - Specify whether user is a trainer (This is for use in the Event module)

    3. Range Safety Officer - Specify whether user is a Range Safety officer (Also for use in the Event module)

  4. Click Save to finish

