
This article is meant to inform the user on how to utilize the guest pass functionality in Trident1.

Pertinent Settings

1. Hover the mouse over Personal & Admin

2. Then hover over Settings

3. Click Custom Settings

Permission to Use Guest Pass Actions

This custom setting allows the user to action the guest pass in the membership package with the ability to change, delete, or make as exception the additional shooter on the guest pass.

1. Scroll down to the User block

2. Click on the downward carat to expand the box

3. Click the checkbox to enable the setting Permission to Use Guest Pass Actions

4. Highlight the roles that you would like to be able to action the guest passes

5. Utilize the arrows to add/remove the roles allowed to action the guest passes

Guest Pass Setup

Outside of the custom setting mentioned above, there are other portions of the software that will need to be configured to properly utilize the guest pass functionality.

Guest Passes Allowed per Membership Package

The user will need to define how many guest passes are allowed in a membership package.

1. Hover the mouse over the Memberships menu

2. Click Membership Packages

3. Click Show All

4. Click the Membership Package name to navigate to the package

5. Click Edit to edit the Package

6. Click in the Guest Passes field

7. Define the number of guest passes the membership will receive during their membership

If this is a new membership package and no customer has purchased, click Save

If this is a pre-existing membership package and there are active memberships utilizing this package, click Save & Update Purchased Memberships.

Note: Upon renewal of the membership, the guest passes will be restored back to the intended value as depicted by the membership package.

Lane Rental Discount on Membership Package

1. Navigate to the membership package

Scroll down to the Future Discounts block

2. Click the downward carat to expand the block

3. Click the Lane Rentals tab

4. Click Add Lane Rentals

5. Define the lane rental discount to be applied to the member and their guest pass

6. Define whether or not the member will be able to use the discount during peak hours

Note: The guest pass will only get as much of a discount as the member receives on his/her membership discount.

7. Click Save Rental to save the configuration

8. You will then receive a confirmation that the configuration is saved successfully.

9. Click Close

Additional Lane Shooter Fee

The Additional Lane Shooter Fee is the Fee that will incur during the event of an Additional Shooter on a Range Reservation.

1. Hover the mouse over Range menu > Shooting Range Reservation > Click Lane Settings

2. Click the lane to edit

3. Define the fees associated with the lane rental

a. Primary Shooter Fee - how much will the primary shooter pay for the lane fee?

b. Additional Lane Shooter Fee - how much will an additional shooter cost to add to a lane?

4. Click Save


Navigate to the Range Reservation Calendar

1. Click the Range menu

Create a Range Reservation

1. Click the intended date and time to book a range reservation

2. Enter the member/customer in the Member/Customer field

3. Enter the guest shooter in the Additional Shooter field

4. Select the customer in the drop-down

5. The guest pass will be auto-applied to the additional shooter

Side Note:

To use the guest pass of another member

  1. Click the checkbox to disable the guest pass auto-apply

  2. Click back on the box to enable

  3. Enter the name of the member that you would like to use the guest pass for

  4. Select the member name to auto-apply.

After the guest pass is applied

6. Verify the pricing is correct on the primary and additional shooter

Note: The Guest Pass will only benefit from as much of a discount as the member receives on his/her membership discount.

If the Reservation is a walk-in

7. Click Check-In Now

If the customer is renting firearms

  1. Check the Rent Firearm(s) checkbox to expand the rental product selection

  2. Scan or enter the barcode of the rental firearm product

  3. Select the firearm in the drop-down

  4. Ensure the serial number is correct

If the Customer is purchasing Items

  1. Check the Sell Products checkbox

  2. Scan or enter the barcode of the product to sell

  3. Edit the sell qty of the product

If the Customer is making the reservation before-hand

1.Click Save

To proceed with the reservation

8. Click Next

Range Reservation Paying Process

After proceeding to the final page of the range reservation, there are multiple options in order to proceed with the range reservation.

Payment Process

  1. Select the radio button for the proper Payment Process

Create one SO for all shooters

The primary shooter’s lane fee, the additional shooter’s lane fee and any applicable rental and products will be one sales order under the primary shooter’s name.

Create separate SO for each shooter

The primary shooter’s lane fee and any applicable rental and products will be on the primary shooter’s sales order. The additional shooter’s lane fee will be on the additional shooter’s sales order.

Range Reservation Process

  1. Click the button for the applicable range reservation process

Check-In Only

Check-In and Create SO

Create SO (Pay Only)


After taking one of the actions above

2. System action will be taken to proceed with the reservation

Guest Pass Actions

To action (edit, delete, or mark as exception) the user will need to navigate to the membership

1. Hover the mouse over the Memberships menu

2. Click Memberships

3. Locate the membership

4. Click the Membership Number to navigate to the membership

5. Scroll down to the Guest Passes section

6. Click on the downward carat to expand the section


Use Case:

The guest pass for James Bailey (member) was used for Donna Bailey (additional) by accident. It should have been for John Doe as the additional.

1. Click the Pencil icon to edit

2. Type in the Guest Name to utilize the customer drop-down

3. Select the Customer

4. Edit the Used Date if needed

5. Click Update Guest Pass Entry

End Result:


Use Case:

The guest pass was used by mistake, we need to delete the guest pass entry.

1. Click the trashcan icon to delete

2. The user will then receive a confirmation if they would like to proceed

3. Click OK to proceed

End Result:

Mark as Exception

Use Case:

The Business will grant this guest pass as an exception and won’t be counted towards the total used.

1. Click the Checkmark icon to mark as an exception

End Result: