
This article is meant to instruct the user on how to use the Pending Sales Order functionality in Trident1. This functionality is best used in situations of waiting states, delayed 4473s, ecommerce sales orders, deposits and layaways. This article works jointly with the article How to Manage Deposits.

Pertinent Settings

1. Hover the mouse over Personal & Admin menu

2. Then hover over Settings

3. Click Custom Settings

4. Type ‘save as pending’ in the CS Custom Setting by Title Search field

View “Save as Pending” button in SO (Sales Order)

1.Select the “Save as Pending” button in SO in the drop-down

This setting relates to the role setting for the ability to view the Save as Pending button in the sales order.

2. Click the checkbox to enable/disable the setting

3. Click to highlight the Roles to access the setting

4. Click the arrows to maneuver the roles to the allowed portion

5. Click out of the box to cloud-save the setting

Quick Save Pending Sales Order

There are multiple options when creating a pending sales order. The ability to quick save a pending sales order is the ability to bypass the customized options of a pending sales order and merely allocate the inventory to the customer and de-allocate the inventory as available.

1.Navigate below the before mentioned setting

2.Click the checkbox to enable/disable the setting

3.Click to highlight the roles to access the setting

4. Click the arrows to maneuver the roles to the allowed portion

5. Click out of the box to cloud-save the setting

Default 'allocate inventory' when saving a pending SO (Sales Order)

This setting defaults whether to allocate the inventory whenever a user is saving a pending sales order. When a pending sales order is saved and the Inventory is allocated, the inventory is non-sellable to other customers at that time.

1. Navigate to the setting

2. Click the drop-down to generate the options


Create a Sales Order

1. Click the Point of Sale menu

2. Enter the customer name

3. Insert/scan in the product

4. Ensure the Sell Price and Tax are correct

Save Sales Order as Pending

1. Click Save as Pending

2. Verify the Save as Pending options

3. Click Save as Pending

To Reopen a Pending Sales Order

1. Navigate to the sales order

2. Click the Sales Order Number

3. Click Switch To Edit Mode

4. Action the sales order accordingly

