Trident1POS Customer Service

How to Transfer Cash between Registers

This article is meant to inform the Trident1 on user how to transfer between cash registers.

In this illustration, we are moving cash from Beginning Register to After Register for the amount of $98.00

How to Transfer Cash between Registers:

**On the Beginning Register**

1.  Navigate to the Create Sales Order page

2. Click the 3-line button at the very top right

3. Click Open Cash Drawer

4. The Cash Transfer dialog appears

We are taking the cash out of the beginning register

5. Click the +/- slider so that the Minus ( - ) sign is showing and input $98.00 in the textbox

6. Click the Select Register drop-down to select the register that you are removing money from

This is telling the POS that we are deducting $98.00 from the selected register

7. Click the Select Reason drop-down to select the reason for removing money

7.  Click Open Cash Drawer

8. Click Save


**On the After Register**

1. Navigate to the Create Sales Order page

2. Click the 3-line button at the very top right and click Open Cash Drawer

3.  The Cash Transfer dialog appears

We are depositing cash into Register 2

4. Click the +/- slider so that the Plus ( + ) sign is showing and input $98.00 in the textbox

5. Click the Select Register drop-down to select the register that you are adding money to

This is telling the POS that we are depositing $98.00 into the selected register

6. Click Open Cash Drawer

7.    Click Save



Trident1POS Customer Service