Trident1POS Customer Service

API Info: Expinet to Trident1

This article will serve as a how-to guide on configuring your Expinet to Trident1


Required: a dedicated API user setup.  One should be requested at time of account boarding.

Fields: Location ID, Product Transaction ID, User ID, API Key, Hash Key

From Trident1


This is your Trident1 location as defined in the company details.

Server Status:

This is the status of your Expinet server.

*this should only be changed from a member of the implementation team*

Developer ID:

This will be properly defined from Trident1 implementation team.

From Expinet

Location ID:

Within Trident1

Within Expinet

1. Go to the location

2. Click General Info

Location ID will be directly underneath.


Product Transaction ID/Service ID:

Within Trident1

Within Expinet

1. Go to the location

2. Click Settings

3. Click Services

Will be under 'Deposit Accounts'

User ID:

Within Trident1

Within Expinet

1. Go to the location

2. Click Settings

3. Click Users

4. Click on a user

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page

Will be found under 'User ID'

User API Key and User Hash Key

Within Trident1

Within Expinet

1. Go to the location

2. Click Settings

3. Click Users

4. Click on a user

Scroll down and you will find the User API Key and User Hash Key





Trident1POS Customer Service