Trident1POS Customer Service

Out of Stock Options in Trident1


This article is intended to inform the user on how to utilize the out of stock options in Trident1

Pertinent Settings

1. Hover the mouse over Personal & Admin

2. Then hover over Settings

3. Click Custom Settings

Show Turn On/Off “Sell Anyways” in SO (Sales Order)

4. Click in the Search CS Custom Setting By Title box

5. Type ‘Sell Anyways’ then press Enter

6. Click on the resulting Turn On/Off “Sell Anyways” in SO (Sales Order) search item

Turn On/Off "Sell Anyways" in SO (Sales Order)

1. Click the box to enable the Sell Anyways functionality


Explanation: Sell Anyways allows the counter person to override the available QOH at the POS in order to sell the product to a customer.


Create a Sales Order

1. Click the Point of Sale menu


2. Enter the customer’s name


Activate the Out of Stock Options

1. Scan or enter in a product


2. If the product has a QOH of 0 the user will receive an Out of Stock dialog

Out of Stock Options


Oversell gives the counter personnel the ability to sell the item anyways but will not take the QOH negative and merely leave it at 0.

Sell Anyways

Sell Anyways gives the counter personnel the ability to sell the item anyways and will take the QOH negative. The negative QOH can be reconciled by manually editing the QOH through the product record or through a receiving of additional items in the future.

Special Order

Special Order creates a special order and a purchase order from the sales order. Note: to create a special order purchase order from the sales order, the counter personnel will have to know the vendor supplier of the product.


Backorder creates a pending backorder that will be pending in the Customer Backorder Log as well as queued purchase order awaiting to be filled on the product. Note: to create a backorder, the counter personnel will not have to have knowledge of which vendor supplier will be fulfilling the product.

Store Transfer

Store Transfer creates a pending store transfer to fulfill from another location with the available QOH.


Cancel cancels any action made to the item and will eliminate the SLI.




Trident1POS Customer Service