Trident1POS Customer Service

Modifying Roles in Trident1


This article will inform the user on how to modify roles and access to modules and sub-modules in Trident1.


1. Hover the mouse over the Personal & Admin menu

2. Then hover over Users & Access Management

3. Click Roles

Roles Settings

1. Hover the mouse over a specific role and multiple icons will appear beside it:

a. Plus sign - add a Role Name

b. Pencil - edit the Role Name

c. Compass - edit the order of the Roles

d. Paper - duplicate the Role Name


2. Click the Role Name to view all of its access details


Upon clicking the role name, you will be able to view all privileges granted to this role


To Edit:

1. Click the Edit button at the top-right

2. Click the View all checkbox to allow viewing of all modules

3. Click the Edit all checkbox to allow editing of all Modules

To edit individual permissions:

4. Click the checkbox to highlight the row of the module

5. Click the associated boxes to grant the ability to edit, view, or delete

If there are any additional sub-modules

6. Click the downward carat to expand the Fields & Tools Settings

Through the Fields & Tools Settings:

8. Select individual fields and individual tools to grant access

Save the Setting

After all edits have been made

1. Click Save to save the settings




Trident1POS Customer Service