Trident1POS Customer Service

How to Return a Consignment


This is the second part of How to Create a Consignment 

There may be instances where the business will need to return a consignment to a seller.  This is generally due to: 

a. The business is having issues selling the firearm.

b. The customer sold it elsewhere and needs the firearm back.


1. Hover the mouse over the Products menu

2. Click Consignment


3. Click Show All to show all of the consignment listings 


Return Consignment 

1. Find the intended consignment 

Note: The consignment type should be in a ‘Consignment In’ status 

2. Click the Pencil icon in the Action column to edit 


3. Click the Consignment Type drop-down 

4. Select Consignment Return 


5. Click Save 


The user will receive a dialog warning that a manual disposition may need to be created.


A 4473 will need to be completed through one of two ways, Electronic 4473 or Paper 4473.


Electronic 4473 

  1. Click on Fastbound e4473

Paper 4473 

1. Click Paper 4473 


2. A sales order will then be created for the consignment return 


3. Modify the sell price of the transfer fee if needed by clicking the Sell Price on the transfer line item 


4. Click Confirm Bound Book Info to confirm the disposition 


5. Ensure that all fields are correct in the Bound Book dialog 

6. Fill in OTSN if needed 

7. Click Proceed with FastBound Disposition 


8. Click the appropriate payout method 


9. The user will receive a FastBound Disposition Confirmation 


10. Click Close to close the dialog

Note: If the user is utilizing the delayed disposition setting, they will need to dispose the item manually. 










Trident1POS Customer Service