Trident1POS Customer Service

Automated Pricing Fields in Trident1


This article is intended to instruct the user on how to perform automated pricing in Trident1.


1. Click the Products menu

1. Click the 3-line icon on the right-hand side


2. Click AU Price Fields


Define the AU Pricing Parameters

1. Click the Select Filter drop-down. Select ‘Take this Field’


2. Click the Select price field drop-down. Select the desired price field


3. Click Search Rule to search for any rules applicable to the filter

4. Click Show All Rules to show all rules within the Automated Pricing Module

5.Click Create Rule

6. Click the Pencil icon in the Product Division field. Define the product division. Click Ok to save

Note: To select all product divisions enter ***

7. Click the Pencil icon in the Manufacturer field. Define the manufacturer. Click Ok to save

Note: Manufacturer field is not required. This field allows the customer to discount product by manufacturer

8. Click the Pencil icon in the Type field. Define the type. Click Ok save
Note: The Type field is not required. This field allows the customer to discount certain types of products (eg. ammunition only)


9. Click the Pencil in Take This Field. Select the price field from the drop-down to be the price of origin.

10. Define the $ Range if needed.
Note: Default will be $0.00 to infinity to cover all price points.

11. Click the Pencil icon in the Multiply it by this field. Define the value to multiply the price of origin.

12. Click the Pencil icon in the And copy it here field. Select the price field from the drop-down to copy the multiplication value of the price of origin.

13. Define the ON THIS DATE field if you would like to only run this rule starting on a certain date.
Note: This field is not required. This will be blank by default. Blank=start now.


14. Lock

Click the Lock icon to turn the lock green and run the rules continuously at 15 second intervals.

Do not click the Lock icon to leave it red if the rules are to be run manually only

15. Click the checkbox to enable the rule


16. Click Update Now





Trident1POS Customer Service