Trident1POS Customer Service

Theft/Loss/Destroy Functionality in Trident1


This article will inform the User on how to utilize the Theft/Loss Functionality in Trident1.


1.Hover over Products

2.Hover over FastBound

3.Click on Theft/Loss Destroy

Create a Theft/Loss Record

Within the Theft/Loss Listings Page

1.Click on the + sign to the very top right to create a record



There are 4 functionalities that will be entailed in this article

a. Inventory Loss

b. Loss in Transit

c. Theft

d. Destroyed

Inventory Loss

1.Click the Dispose Type drop down. Select Inventory Loss.


2. Click the Discovered Date field. Select the discovery date and time from the calendar.

3. Click within the Police Incident Number field. Type in a Police Incident Number obtained from your local law enforcement agency.


4.Click the Dispose Date Field. Select the disposed date and time from the calendar.

5. Click within the ATF Issued Incident Number Field. Type in a ATF Issued Incident Number obtained from the ATF.

5. (Optional) Click within the Dispose Note text box. Type in a note that will be attached to the Disposition in FastBound.

Loss in Transit

1.Click the Dispose Type drop down. Select Loss in Transit.


2. Click the Discovered Date field. Select the discovery date and time from the calendar.

3. Click within the Police Incident Number field. Type in a Police Incident Number obtained from your local law enforcement agency.


4.Click the Dispose Date Field. Select the disposed date and time from the calendar.

5. Click within the ATF Issued Incident Number field. Type in a ATF Issued Incident Number obtained from the ATF.

6. (Optional) Click within the Dispose Note text box. Type in a note that will be attached to the Disposition in FastBound.


1.Click the Dispose Type drop down. Select Theft.


2. Click the Discovered Date field. Select the discovery date and time from the calendar.

3. Click within the Police Incident Number field. Type in a Police Incident Number obtained from your local law enforcement agency.


4.Click the Dispose Date Field. Select the disposed date and time from the calendar.

5. Click within the ATF Issued Incident Number field. Type in a ATF Issued Incident Number obtained from the ATF.

6. (Optional) Click within the Dispose Note text box. Type in a note that will be attached to the Disposition in FastBound.


1.Click the Dispose Type drop down. Select Destroyed.


2.Click on the Date item was destroyed field. Select the date and time that the item was destroyed from the calendar popup.

3. Click within the Witness field. Type in the name of Witness 1.


4. Click the Dispose Date field. Select the disposed date and time from the calendar.

5. (Optional) Click within the Dispose Note text box. Type in a note that will be attached to the disposition in FastBound.

6. Click within the How item was destroyed field. Type in the method of destruction.

7. Click within the Witness field. Type in the name of Witness 2.


Add a Product

1.Click in the Product Field

2.Find the Product

a. Scan in the Product #, UPC, or Barcode in the field

b. Click on the Magnifying Glass>find the pertinent Product>click on the grocery basket to add to the line


3. Click the checkbox next to the intended Serial Number

4. Click on Verify & Add Item


To add an additional Product

a. Click on Add Product and find the additional Product

5. Click on Save

6. Click on OK to proceed






Trident1POS Customer Service