Trident1POS Customer Service

API Info: SmartWaiver to Trident1


SmartWaiver is a third party API that stores liability waivers, provides cloud-based access to liability waivers from multiple devices and integrates into your range functionality within Trident1.


In SmartWaiver:

Set up your Smart Waiver

Create a SmartWaiver Account

1. Navigate to SmartWaiver

2. Click Sign Up


3. Upload your liability waivers to your SmartWaiver account

Gather SmartWaiver API Information

Information Needed

For the SmartWaiver to Trident1 connection, you will need:

  • API Key

API Key Retrieval

1. Log into your SmartWaiver account

2. Hover the mouse over the left-hand toolbar to pop out the options


3. Click My Account


4. Click API Keys

5. Click Create New API Key on the right-hand side


6. Insert a label for the new API key


7. Click Create


8. Copy the API key and place somewhere safe. You won’t be able to retrieve it after this box.

9. Click OK


Connect SmartWaiver to Trident1

within Trident1:

1. Click the Personal & Admin menu


2. Click the SmartWaiver API Widget


3. Click in the field provided for the API Key. Input the API key gathered from SmartWaiver


4. Click Save



Trident1POS Customer Service